After planting lots of seeds and seedlings in our vegetable garden and around our pond we noticed that there is more birds coming to visit. That got me thinking to how to get the balance back in my vegetable garden so my plants and seedlings could grow without being damaged by birds.
Although we appreciate what good they do with removing bugs and keeping the eco balance there was too many visitors for my liking. Running out every couple of minutes to shoo them away from all my hard work was not appealing to me in the slightest.
After doing some research on the internet there was a few suggestions. Birds don't like shiny metals and noises.
Suggestions I found on the net were hanging old cds to swing in the breeze. Owl figurines which you would have to move regularly to deter birds, putting spicy smelling herbs around the garden like black pepper or chilli powder or what I found to be the most appealing to me a noise bird scarer.
There was some sites where you could purchase a bird noise scarer but as usual if I can make it myself thats usually my cheaper and more appealing option.
They are really quite simple to make and not in the least expensive using things that you usually have at home. I ended up making 3 for my vegetable garden and one for my pond where my strawberries and herbs are.
They look like mini windmills when the breeze is going and are fun to watch. They seem to be keeping the birds away but my young boys are all for going and investigating them as they spin.
All you need to make one is:
2 aluminum cans
old coat hanger
pliers (to twist the coat hangers)
pebbles or small stones
clip of some sort to keep the cans in place
With the first can cut strips about an inch apart so that they can fan out.
Depending on the kind of breeze you can you can twist them slightly to catch more of a breeze.
The second can you place as the base and to place the pebbles in.
Simply thread a cut off coat hanger through both the cans (placing the pebbles in the base) and with the pliers loop the end of the fanning can.
Gently push the two cans so that they are joined and bend the rest of the wire down to place in the ground.

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